Monday, May 10, 2010

Welcome YOUNG GOD CHASERS of FAITH (& your parents/guardians)!

WOW! I am sooooo excited to be a part of this 'ADVENTURE' with you...

The cry of most of today's children and youth is "Who will help me learn about Jesus?" Statistics show that 80% of Christians trusted Christ as their King before the age of 14. Everyday our children and youth are surrounded by worldly influences that are often in conflict with God's Word.

Although "The YOUNG GOD CHASERS" is essentially yet 'another program' (which is run for approx. 13+ weeks), we pray that the 'tweens involved will be exposed to the power and TRUTH of the Bible and the life of a God-chaser, and it will challenge them and change their lives forever!

WHO CAN BECOME A 'YOUNG GOD-CHASER'? -- Any young 'ladies & gentlemen' (ages 8-12) who may 'live in the Kingdom, but not fully KNOW the King'. These 'tweens, as they are referred to are the untapped generation of the world. In church, they are basically in between... they are too old for 'children's church', yet too young for 'youth group', so they are left in church to fend for themselves during a Sunday morning sermon.

WHAT ARE WE DOING? -- We will be learning how to apply life principles found in "The God Chasers" by Tommy Tenney, and of course the Word of God. We want to apply the Bible lessons to our daily lives, by going on an 'adventure' with Jesus, THEIR (not just Mom &/or Dad's) King, and getting to know Him, His Father and Holy Spirit, and 'chasing Him until He catches us', which will prayerfully and hopefully become a life-long journey and commitment. We will also be making verses like Psalm 42:1-2 & Psalm 63:7-8 come alive in the hearts, spirits & lives of these 'God-chasers'.

"I want to drink God, deep draughts of God. I'm thirsty for God-alive." Psalm 42:1-2 THE MESSAGE

"Because you've always stood up for me, I'm free to run and play. I hold on to you for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post." Psalm 63:7-8 THE MESSAGE

WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? - 'Helping Kids Find Their Place in the Kingdom of God' -- According to the statistic found in the beginning, children and youth are seeking something they are missing. We want them to fill the 'void' in their lives with the 'right stuff' --JESUS! As 'young men & women' in the Kingdom we are able to express, grow in and use their gifts and talents to the best of their ability right now, so that they may also further equip, encourage & enable the 'body' to grow to it's 'Maximum Effectiveness' (the M.E. that God has called them to be). We want to fulfill the calling given in Ephesians 4:13,
"He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher to train Christ's followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ's body, the church, until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ." ~ Ephesians 4:13 THE MESSAGE

As the body, we want to move rhythmically with each other to produce a sweet smell & sound to our Lord. If we are moving with the same beat, then our 'sound' proves to be in perfect harmony.

BUT, AREN'T THEY JUST KIDS? -- Jesus told people to become like little children. "And He said, 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:3 NIV He likes kids because they believe what He says, they have innocent faith & take Him at His word, usually without question. He also likes kids because they love to run... they love to run into the throne room and jump up onto His knee and give Him a great big hug!

WHAT CAN THEY EXPECT TO GET OUT OF THIS? -- The 'REIGNFOREST of FAITH' Children's Church program at Faith Tabernacle exists to COMMUNICATE with children (believing & non-believing); to CONNECT them with other Christian children, to help them CLARIFY their own faith; and to challenge their growing with a time of CARING & SHARING in ministry, so that they will COMMIT their whole lives to God! (This 'Young God Chaser's' program is affiliated with these beliefs and this mission as well.)

Each GOD-CHASER can expect to go on their own personal G.R.E.A.T. Adventure with Jesus. Taken from the words of the song, 'The Great Adventure' (click to see the YOUTUBE video) by Stephen Curtis Chapman, we will be 'following our King into the glorious unknown... the love of God will take us far beyond our wildest dreams.'

Each GOD-CHASER will:
*Grow in the love of God
*Reach others for God's Kingdom
*(get) Equipped for their own adventure
*Apply Bible truths to their own lives
*Trust in God & others

Each GOD-CHASER will receive:
*God's love
*Relationships with Jesus & others
*Encouragement & love
*Acceptance & belonging
*Training to last a lifetime

The G.R.E.A.T. Adventure offers these advantages:
* It will improve Bible literacy and interest in God's Word.
* It enhances the depth of learning through repetition and multiple learning styles
* It allows them to learn, grow, express, and utilize their own gifts and talents with their peers.
* It helps the children 'actively participate' in their learning through interaction. INTERACTION = Interest + Action... which reduces boredom, and should reduce misbehaviour or mistaken behaviour.
* It is NOT a 'cute' set of lesson plans and activities. It is POWERFUL! Every lesson, every story, and every song is based upon KINGDOM PRINCIPLES and it is designed to lead your children into a dynamic relationship with the King, Jesus Christ.
* It will help to increase their own hunger and thirst for more of God in their lives (which will prayerfully flow into the rest of the church, & their home/family as well.)
* It will help to make their impression of Church and learning God's Word fun & exciting, and they will desire to continue their own ADVENTURE throughout their lives. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 NIV be continued.

(NOTE: Each parent/guardian will be given a copy of this introduction at church!)

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